
You should read these two.

Mountains Beyond Mountains by Tracey Kidder

  • This is the story of Paul Farmer.  If he doesn’t receive a Nobel for his medical work it will be a travesty.  A Harvard trained doctor who practices medicine just enough to make enough money to give away.  He founded clinics in Haiti, Russia, Peru and elsewhere to fight untreatable illnesses.  After scraping together nickles and dimes Farmer now receives McArthur grants and funds from Bill Gates and George Sorors.  But it is Farmer, the man, who shines through and you will love, love reading about him.

Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin

  • Remote Pakistan is where Mortenson finds himself after a failed attempt to climb K2.  On his descent he wanders off the main path and stumbles into a tiny, remote village.  He is nursed back to health and vows to return to build the only school within hundreds of miles.  Mortenson, like Farmer, must scrape together pennies (literally) to initiate his project.  Gaining momentum, after years and years of attempts, Mortenson succeeds.  This is a page-turning real life adventure and it will keep you wrapped up for a few days.  You will not be able to put it down.

I have read all of Kidder’s books and feel MBM is his best.  I have since bookmarked Farmer’s web site and send him small contributions.  I had never heard of Relin but he writes very well.  Mortenson’s site has also been bookmarked and his organization gets small donations, as well.  As you know, norhtern Pakistan is in the middle of horrendous strife and one can only hope Mortenson’s work still exists.

Oh, do not begin Three Cups of Tea without a box of Kleenex.  Enjoy.