Its all about jobs

Upon a recent trip to Las Vegas I was amazed at the crowds.  Thinking we were in a recession and hearing about the reduction in consumer spending I had imagined I’d have the town to myself.  Walking through Caesar’s Forum, the very upscale shopping mall, …

Going nowhere

I hate, hate this market.  Buy and hold is forever gone.  Short term trading is terrific, difficult but the only game in town. One wonders why Trade Station (TRAD) isn’t doing better.  I played golf today and my partner told me that he said hello …

Long Commodities

Falling dollar and inflationary Treasury printing press pushes me into commodites.  Using the ETF DBA which is long corn, wheat, soybeans and sugar, each 25% of position.   Also long other commodity equities Bunge (BG), SLV (silver ETF), CHK (Cheasapeke Oil).

Odd & Ends

With a trader’s mentality I added to all newish positions on Thursday and Friday.  Among them is Chesapeake Energy, CHK.  When the Chairman had to sell his entire position to meet a margin call the market was then going straight into the dumpster.  It was …

Good riddance

Bad news seems to be overwhelming the technicals.  Many were thinking we had found a bottom.  I believed we had found at least a short term bottom.  We may now have to wait until next week. Barclays is looking to raise $12 billion.  This is …

Buy ’em but be Quick

This is not a good investor’s market.  It is a great trader’s market.  If you are prepared to buy short term and have a sale discipline it is time to buy. Just when I thought regulators and governments were out of arrows, overnight developments should …

Afternoon Head Fake

About a 500 point swing in the last half hour–down for a final -74. Oil up big.  Gold up pretty big. Probably doesn’t make for a great opening tomorrow The Fed cut was a yawner and yesterday’s profits too juicy to ignore so profits were …

Follow thru on Fed Day?

Trying to figure out yesterday.  Among the causes; upcoming end of fiscal year for corporate/public pension plans and their re-balancing to equities, short covering, speculator buying, short covering, early day foreign buying and short covering.  And, the Yen finally falling which reduced the carry trade …