Noon Look and The View

A surprising uptick after a difficult start.  Hard to believe the bulls would shrug off the jobs report.  The 3-Gs; Goldman, GE and Google all up.  DOW was down 170 and now up 100.  I am betting this won’t hold. Went downstairs for a bite …

Good ads

Why can’t all products be sold like this: ShamWow (Full Lengt Or this: Kaboom! Should you be reading when one of these guys comes on TV I defy you not to look up. Their voices scrape the innards out of you and lay them on …

The Plunge Protection Team?

With a hat-tip to the Shark the-shark-report here is an explanation of the PPT from I had not heard of this committee before today.  Gives me shivers. “It was back in l987 when the former movie-star-in-chief (Reagan) signed an Executive Order his administration drafted …

Auto Loyalty

Yesterday, I took our Saturn Aura in for service. I thought it was idling poorly.  While waiting I spoke with Ben, the salesman who sold the car to us.  He is a young guy, very earnest and pleasant.  As we stood outside in the warm …


The opening proved me wrong, thankfully.  But are we delaying the test to new lower lows? And what about leadership?  Apple, Goldman, Google all down with GE getting crushed on enormous volume as rumors of dividend risk swirl.

Sanford for President

Earlier this morning on CNBC James Grant, the publisher of The Interest Rate Observer, exclaimed: “If you had run for President I would have voted for you!”  Grant had thrown his hat into the Mark Sanford (South Carolina, Rep.) ring. Sanford was speaking from the …

Worser and Worser

Now even the lawyers are being fired.  White & Case lets 70 go. And now for some encouraging words.  There are about 900 rural electric cooperative electric companies.  Their customers have been without broadband.  Now, IBM has worked out a deal to use the power …


Despite Friday’s bounce the S&P declined almost 4% for the week.  This remains a trader’s market, not for buy-and-holders. I started buying groceries at Wal-Mart over a year ago.  Its a great place for can goods and non-perishables.  My wife refuses to go with me …

South America required reading

Watching the chess match between Venezuela, Bolivia, Equador, Honduras on one side and the US on the other.  I get the sense it could explode at any time.  To keep up to date this blog , is a must read.