Afternoon Ramp–up almost 7%

Volatility returns with a vengeance as market has massive turn-around rally. The DOW has an astonishing 911 daily point swing and finishes at 8,835.  S&P even more dramatic with a 10% intra-day rally and some will say the lows were tested.  If so, we could …


The opening proved me wrong, thankfully.  But are we delaying the test to new lower lows? And what about leadership?  Apple, Goldman, Google all down with GE getting crushed on enormous volume as rumors of dividend risk swirl.

Sanford for President

Earlier this morning on CNBC James Grant, the publisher of The Interest Rate Observer, exclaimed: “If you had run for President I would have voted for you!”  Grant had thrown his hat into the Mark Sanford (South Carolina, Rep.) ring. Sanford was speaking from the …

Buy the Dip

Early Asia trading is off 5% across the board. Our opening is likely to be down big. Today’s repudiation of our government’s plan (such as it is) and Intel’s awful guidance will cause more sellers in the morning. We could get a bounce as sellers …

And the beat goes on

Intel earning news killing tech.  Cisco, Microsoft, IBM, etc, etc, all down after market’s close.  Tomorrow’s opening likely to be worse. There could be some distressed buyers mid-morning. Nothing, nothing is working. Gold, silver, oil, equities….all getting killed. Is this the tipping point?  Will everyone, …

Worser and Worser

Now even the lawyers are being fired.  White & Case lets 70 go. And now for some encouraging words.  There are about 900 rural electric cooperative electric companies.  Their customers have been without broadband.  Now, IBM has worked out a deal to use the power …

Shell shocked

The President of Legg, Mason (LM) was on CNBC this evening and he gave the appearance of being in shock.  His stock is trading at $18.65, up 7% today but down from $80.  LM’s Bill Miller was the hottest manager of the last decade and …

Glass half empty

Buying stocks mid-way through a recession has been a good strategy.  If you can tell me when the recession started I can probably guess about its mid-way point since most recessions last about thirteen months.  This one, however, has all the earmarks of a long, …

More of the same

Bear market rallies can last two days or two months.  Last week’s rally lasted six days and provided false hope to millions of investors.  This remains a trader’s market and only the nimble or the perma-Bears will make money in it. Heard any good news …