A multi-colored Asia

The Markets Asia up pretty big. Tokyo flirting with 2% gains as it anticipates US Treasury toxic position purchases.  Lets see if it lasts. Would love, love for a follow through day. Here is the ultimate multi-colored rocker.  Greg Allman’s slurred, sexy words are punctuated …

Weekend Notes

In the late ’60’s the subways of London became the target of Eric Clapton fans.  As Clapton emerged as one of the great blues guitarists his fans would spray paint “Clapton is God” all over.  This embarrassed Clapton and motivated him to begin recording incognito.  …

Weekend Notes

Markets Natural gas prices have declined 70% since last summer.  Low prices have curtailed new production.  Any uptick, at all, in usage could boost nat gas prices.  Last week nat gas prices were up 1.3%.  I have owned Chesapeake for a while and added to …

The Market On quadruple witching Fridays I like to watch the Spyders (SPY) trade ( I really do not have a life).  This the most active index fund and at 3:55 the volume indicator spins like a slot machine.  In the last five minutes it …

At 2:35p market began to roll over big -time.  S&P now 100 points above the lows of 666.  Still, the derivitive boys make it too close to call. But I bought SRS just in case.


Last week someone asked me about derivatives.  The term is bandied about now that we know something about swaps, mortgages, reverse swaps, CDO’s, etc.  When I was a sales manager in the headquarters of PaineWebber the derivative guys were constantly trying to create product for …

The Market Early morning futures were down but are currently pointing to an up opening. Gold and oil both down. This is quadruple expiration day so I will be doing little trading, if any.  Markets tend to be squirrely on these days, difficult to predict. …

The Market As the market grew skeptical that Fed actions would spur the economy the market rolled over.  The S&P broke through 800 to 802 but closed at 784.  800 is the line in the sand. Commodity, energy and fertilizer stocks all higher as inflation …

Noon Look

The Market Market rolling over after an ebullient opening.  Could not help selling into that and am glad I did. We have absorbed a lot of good news and ignored the bad.  That is reflected in a sharply higher market over the last seven sessions.  …

The Market Added to GE on news that portfolio has only a 3% exposure to sub-prime.