Well, we got it. Not much of a bounce but I’ll take it. The market didn’t close on its high but what can one expect?
Covered my inverse ETFs (SDS. SKF) in the nick of time but missed the best tick.
Took a dose of my own medicine and bought PALM closer to the low of the day than the top.
Its been a while since a day’s trade worked out so well, so am pumped up.
Which means I am obviously on the wrong side and will get slaughtered tomorrow.
But it does point out the truthfulness of not overstaying your welcome. Dart in, dart out. Buy-n-hold is yesterday’s advice.
What I do everyday looks like child’s play compared to what that US Air pilot did today. He will be a hero. Cannot wait for his explanation but am guessing he had to be over New Jersey, turned around and landed in the Hudson…….on purpose. Extraordinary.
Make it a good night, rest up and see you tomorrow.