
Despite Friday’s bounce the S&P declined almost 4% for the week.  This remains a trader’s market, not for buy-and-holders. I started buying groceries at Wal-Mart over a year ago.  Its a great place for can goods and non-perishables.  My wife refuses to go with me …

Its all about jobs

Upon a recent trip to Las Vegas I was amazed at the crowds.  Thinking we were in a recession and hearing about the reduction in consumer spending I had imagined I’d have the town to myself.  Walking through Caesar’s Forum, the very upscale shopping mall, …

Going nowhere

I hate, hate this market.  Buy and hold is forever gone.  Short term trading is terrific, difficult but the only game in town. One wonders why Trade Station (TRAD) isn’t doing better.  I played golf today and my partner told me that he said hello …

Long Commodities

Falling dollar and inflationary Treasury printing press pushes me into commodites.  Using the ETF DBA which is long corn, wheat, soybeans and sugar, each 25% of position.   Also long other commodity equities Bunge (BG), SLV (silver ETF), CHK (Cheasapeke Oil).

South America required reading

Watching the chess match between Venezuela, Bolivia, Equador, Honduras on one side and the US on the other.  I get the sense it could explode at any time.  To keep up to date this blog http://democracyctr.org/index.php , is a must read.

Notes from Las Vegas—October 2008 On the Strip–We are in a huge suite at Caesars, one for whales (gamblers who bet large). A living room larger than any we have had in our houses. Two bedrooms on either side. Howard and Jane have a “hostess” …

Get Ready

Read somewhere that there was $50 trillion in MMFs.  With hedge funds performance YTD so poor they will scramble to catch up.  Indeed, many are fighting for their existence.  And, they were poorly positioned for last week’s rally. If we get a continuation of the …

Odd & Ends

With a trader’s mentality I added to all newish positions on Thursday and Friday.  Among them is Chesapeake Energy, CHK.  When the Chairman had to sell his entire position to meet a margin call the market was then going straight into the dumpster.  It was …